
About Our Company

Magufy is the simplest, most trusted way to buy and sell locally.

What We Do

1) Browse deals on tons of great items nearby

like lands, furniture, electronics, and cars — and buy from your neighbors.

2) Instantly message sellers

securely through the app to negotiate price and set up a time to meet.

3) Check out people’s profiles

to see ratings, badges, and transaction history.

4) Sell something of your own

by simply taking a picture with your phone. Posting takes less than 30 seconds!

5) Join millions of people

on the largest mobile marketplace for local buyers and sellers.


about us - magufy

How it Works

Create Account

create a free account

Post your product

add more details to your product

Get Offers

chat with the seller and make offer.

Sell Your Item

add pictures and start selling

Happy Customers
Verified Users

Testimonial About Us

I am impressed by the user experience on the platform. Easy to navigate, I sincerely hope that the people of Burundi will embrace and leverage the numerous benefits offered by Magufy.

Sylidie Niyorema

Founder, Rurema Pharmacy

Nella Neth Kaze


Easy to use and no fees to join. Sellers can get started quickly by taking photos of their items and writing brief descriptions. Highly recommended! Magufy yaje hageze.

Magufy serves as a bridge connecting renters, sellers, buyers, and freelancers. With its mission to facilitate these interactions, Magufy has the potential to contribute significantly to our economy. By promoting local sourcing and supporting businesses of all sizes.

Willy Nyamitwe

Burundian Ambassador
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.